Michelle Whitedove Patreon Post FEB 17 2021
"How Many Theta Do I Need To Reach ONE BILLION DOLLARS, $100M, $10M or $1M? And When?"
We simply bolded the math in this update. This is a common question Whitedove receives, but one she answered about 3 years ago!
And so many of you were with us then and listened as Whitedove shared with the world that a crypto no one knew about would "Make many rich." She went on to shock the crypto community when she predicted "Theta will get into the THOUSANDS and it will not take as long as you would think."
We remember it like it was yesterday when so many said it was not possible as that would require Theta to have a total market cap of $1T (above one trillion dollars). She shared, "I do not care what today's logic tells you is possible, and while you cannot understand this today, I see it will happen."
Last year our friend Bix asked, "How many thousands? Are we talking $10,000 per Theta or less? And doesn't Theta Fuel have a bigger upside and might that be the better investment?"
Whitedove answered, "Theta Fuel is not the better investment in the long run and it is a mistake to take Theta Fuel over Theta. I have both and feel that is best. Forget about trying to guess how many Theta Fuel to Theta is appropriate. I can see Theta Fuel will reach $1.00 for starters. Right now it isn't even 1/2 a penny, so that is a 200 X. BUT Theta is only about 20 cents right now and will reach around $2,000 to $3,000 in time."
If she is right, and since Whitedove is the Queen of Theta (using our friend’s words) there is no reason to think otherwise at the moment, it will not take that many Theta to be worth $1M.
Here's the basic math of how many Theta to reach, $1M, $10M and even $100M if Theta reaches $2,000 one day off into the future. No, she doesn't know if that will be as little as 2 years or 5 years but she shared it felt like sometime in the time frame.
500 Theta at $2,000 each = $1,000,000.00 ($1M)
5,000 Theta at $2,000 each = $10,000,000.00 ($10M)
50,000 Theta at $2,000 each = $100,000,000.00 ($100M)
500,000 Theta at $2,000 each = $1,000,000,000.00 ( ONE BILLION DOLLARS )
Remember, she made this prediction 3 years ago so you can see how so many could not wrap their heads around it. BUT MOST OF YOU DID and we are betting you are already happy but just wait, smile.
Think about it for a minute, Whitedove shared just 3 years ago "If you put $50,000 in Theta you will have a shot of becoming a Billionaire." And if you think it is far-fetched that anyone would have that much faith in Whitedove to throw $50,000 or more at it in the beginning, we know a handful of people who did. But regardless, all those people who jumped in early and paid no attention to the doubters, also received 5 free Theta Fuel for every one Theta they held; that in and of itself is likely going to pay huge dividends. Already THETA is partnered with Samsung, every new TV has the Theta app and they partnered with NASA for all their Live Streams! More big announcements are coming in April 2021
Will her predictions about Theta come true? Time will tell, but we can share there are more people thinking Whitedove is one of the greatest spiritual mediums our generation has seen. Not that she cares about that, she wants people to acknowledge SPIRIT shared this with her to share with you.
LOVE TO ALL from Team Whitedove
PS. If you can obtain 500 Theta today and Theta reaches $2,000 you will have $1M. So at today’s price of around $3.50, if one puts in $1,750.00 and Theta reaches $2000 then they are a millionaire, smile. The number of Theta you need never changes in the example given. Love Team Whitedove
PSS. ❤ Share the love – Donate to her as Your Whitedove Crypto Picks hit!
>THETA Public Address 0x90F6D037edEfE3B9F2fE26DCACE6699f5fb8be07
>BitcoinCASH address: 1JBRUjzCM35PL4yvDoTq6BmFoe2jy9EeFF
>Litecoin address: LfTARdn6cpT8CJBd6nooorVBzrimkzxUMv
Let gratitude be your attitude
>> Join Whitedove on Patreon for daily posts, big monthly reports, crypto updates, Spiritual Insights and global predictions. www.patreon.com/MichelleWhitedove
THETA Token is getting less complicated to purchase but we like to leave it to the experts http://bit.ly/BuyTHETAtoken
May 25 2021 NOTE:
Now is the BEST TIME to get THETA and TFUEL - buy low - Sell High! They are much easier to buy now because you can store and swap on the EXODUS WALLET!
For the new people buying cryptos/Theta:
Someone said to me the other day "can you send me the link” as if they're ordering from Amazon
Here are the basic steps
Setup a Coinbase app on your phone or machine - this is where you purchase coins
Set up an Exodus Wallet on your machine. Exodus its a place to store your cryptos and you can Swap one crypto for another!
Buy litecoin on Coinbase (because it transfers fast) then send your litecoin to your Exodus Wallet.
Then swap your Litecoin for Theta and Tfuel. Buy 50% Theta and 50% ThetaFuel ( You always need a least a little theta fuel to move theta around)