2022 Year of the Water Tiger - World Predictions by Michelle Whitedove
predictions by Michelle Whitedove
Global Predictions and Spiritual Report
Excerpt from the Dec 18, 2021 published Patreon Report by Michelle Whitedove
Opening- As tradition I always like to look at the Chinese Zodiac only because it’s been around for thousands of years, way before the CCP. Spirit always shares things way in advance, but there’s something to the Chinese Zodiac that has intrigued me since I was young. So let’s look together before we get started. We’re coming into January 2022 and the Chinese call this the year of the Black Water Tiger. The Tiger is known as the king of all beasts. The zodiac sign Tiger is a symbol of strength, exorcising evils, and braveness. This is a very explosive year, one that should start with a huge bang and could end with whimpering
Water Tiger of 2022 implies caution, growth, development, challenge, creation, and planning. 2022 is a great year to start a career. Popular industries in 2022: real estate in some areas, textiles and apparel, paper-making, traditional Chinese medicine, forestry, tea, culture and education, science and technology, chemical and chemical fiber.
What does SPIRIT Say about the year 2022? “All of it.” Pretty much anything and everything will be going on. Let’s look at a few important topics I need to keep sharing.
I keep getting from Spirit that just about anything and everything will be going on for the remainder of 2021 and in 2022. In short, just everything is and will be going off…from Mother Nature with much flooding and water events, to the governments, between the people. We are at war on multiple fronts. Whether you want to say this group of people against that group (race, gender, politics, social class, vaxxed or unvaxxed). Whether you want to say war against the government as people say, “We don’t want this, you're taking away our rights to think, to work, to have our kids get an education and how are we supposed to buy food.” The gov’t has created the coming depression and this is not to be taken lightly. Some are whistling past the graveyard to so speak. But if you are prepared, you do not have to experience the things that many will. Read my list of “I WILL…” in The Whitedove Report.
CHOOSE LOVE and LIGHT and JOY and PEACE!! Fear is the opposite of Love. Remember it is God, Great Spirit that gives us sovereignty over our body, mind and soul and the Free Will to choose for ourselves. Unite for Freedom!
Long Standing Predictions I Still See Coming. I have 1000s of very specific predictions, but wanted to just share
The General Themes:
NY, Headless Statue of Liberty
Whistle Blowers and Scandals at high levels
“Systems” Crumbling. Gov’t, Religious, Man-made Systems crumbling. Loss of faith in the systems.
Fire In The Sky
Weather Manipulation to Transform Gulf Coast Region Into Industrialize Port and not Residential
Rising Sea Levels
Real Estate Up in Short Term, but goes stale in Mid Term
Cryptos Will Not Be Stopped
Precious Metals Become Very Difficult To Get
Earth Changes That Have Never Been Seen Before
A New Virus
Education System Continuing to Move to more online/at home/or privately run
Internet Kill Switch Being Tested
Massive Power Outages, but weeks at a time
Global Depression
War (China and Russia are allies)
Great Awakening
Mother Earth Fighting Back, Just Crazy Weather Continues, Volcanoes, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Named Storms and really just crazy weather.
USA Lockdowns in 2022: Do you think we'll have lockdowns in 2022 next year? Or do you think we get maybe a little bit of reprieve from the lockdowns, this coming year? Well, here in Florida people are flocking here because our governor has said he Won’t Lock Down. So lockdowns will be state by state, and then it can depend on the city you're in.
Right now in New York city, they're already doing lockdowns making everyone have a VAX passport, then even with that you have to show ongoing testing and some temperature taking too! It’s crazy! But Florida's not. So it depends on where you are. So Stand up for Freedom, our country stands for FREEDOM not a dictatorship. Keep the states open and the economy flowing! Then let the individual make the health choices for themselves.
Global Revolution: It's like, it's crazy. All right. Will there be, we already know this... Will there be vaccine laws passed in Europe? They already have been. But the good news: they're standing up and fighting against them. They're protesting bigtime. You won’t see this on the evening news – no they don’t want to show that! So share these peaceful protest videos with your friends. Now, do I see a time when the people force the governments to cancel or repeal the VAX laws? Yes, I see they're already in motion of doing that so we need continued forward motion. All the people are gathering. Stand for Freedom People! The people of the world are saying it's against our free will. It's against our religious beliefs. Whatever. There's some ways you can get out of it, but Biden is trying to shove it down our throat and other global leaders too – the Shadow Government is hard at work to control the masses – don’t let it happen! !
A REVOLUTION around the globe where there's overreach? Yes. Well, in many areas, but no Grand Revolution in China for a long time. Other areas are in the near to midterm and some are already happening. A pitchfork moment? Yes, yes, yes. A pitchfork moment is like when the peasants rise up because they're angry- Well, the people or the peasants as “THEY” call us are rising up.
When will we resume some kind of normalcy in life?
Well I have been sharing this for a couple of years, things aren't going back to the way they were. Remember 3 years ago when I shared, “It is not the end of times, but it is the end of times as you know it.” Things have not and never will be the way they were before. It is okay though. We need to go through this awakening.
What's normal anyway? There is a key component of this we must bring up and that is the “THEY.” Much of what is going on is man-made. “They” are creating this chaos for control and also just running tests. We are guinea pigs to them. But back to the “They”, they are actually infighting and there is division among them. And that means they cannot agree on how to usher in the digital dollar and do the “reset.” “They” are a mess right now and that means we can impact outcomes more. Remember, for years Great Spirit shared what’s happening… All the man-made systems are failing (Education, Churches, Financial, Govt., Social Security etc.) and they're trying to create new systems and all the sheep, the little followers will go to “THEIR” (the powers that be that you cannot see) new system and be slaves, where they are tracked. OR others like me will go off the grid, communities will rise and we'll take care of ourselves separate from the government. Things aren't going back to the way they were. Back in 2019 Spirit had me publish "This is not the end of times, BUT IT IS THE END OF TIMES AS YOU’VE KNOWN IT."
LOVE AND LIGHT IS THE WAY. Not the division they are sewing.
Divided we will fall; together we can stand against “THEM.”
A Safe Place to Live and Be “Prepped.”
Of all the places I have looked at, the U.S. is still where I would select if it is an option. While there are many challenges, it is still the best option. Don’t get me wrong, I love Ireland because I have a strong connection there. Spain looked good. The Isle of Man felt good. Portugal looked good for those who feel comfortable there, but ALSO in the US you can still get to the good states like SC, TX, NC mountain areas, some southern states and mid-west states too. See the “Locations Report” at the very end of this report.
When Picking A Place To Live. For starters, it cannot be a place with a communist government. So there are those who like Peru, but they have a communist government. Ask the people in Cuba about that or any who have lived in a communist country. It NEVER turns out well.
Also, as shared for 3 years straight, I lovingly keep publishing when it comes to picking a place to live in the US or anywhere really, COMMON SENSE RULES APPLY. Not being political, but just look at which states or locations are run the best. For the U.S., it is not hard to look at State balance sheets and temperament (over reaction, agenda, control, desire for overreach, poor and/or snap judgments). I have felt many of the Southern states are run better than the North East and West Coast. There are some good mid-west states. But there is more to it than just that, it has to feel good to you too. We are all so different. Some resonate with the mountains, others with lakes and still others with the ocean. BUT USE COMMON SENSE. WARNING ON DAMS, Mudslides, coastal weather (northeast standing out again with the always present danger in NC barrier islands, FL and Gulf Coast.)
Will we see alternate communities who chose freedom springing up and where? Yes, they'll be popping up all over the place. Wherever they can, wherever the government isn't so strict that they don't allow it...But there'll be plenty of places where freedom loving like-minded people go and communities spring up and try to stay off the grid. You know, probably like the southern states, in the states with a little more freedom. In Europe, it's going to be the same answer. Where they can... it's better to be in the States right now, believe it or not, than in the old world. But in Europe, Isle of Man, Spain, Portugal, Denmark are a few. But there will be places where you’ll find like minded people. They will pop up in certain areas, then certain governments will shut them down and they will move and migrate to other areas. It's going to be an ongoing, evolving process. Bottom line, get ready for changes.
And everyone's different in what they like or acclimate to. It's always about safety too, focus on safety, because so many people are still sleep-walking. They think everything's cherry and everything is just going to stay the way it is. No.
Changes are coming and people need to adapt and flow. As they say, in crisis, movement is life. Anyone saying “you can go to __________ town and you'll be fine." Does not see what I am seeing. It just doesn't work that way. Right? No, because it depends on the person and their vibration, and the environment that they're in, to acclimate to that environment. Nature will alter to the people that are in that environment. A large concentration of negative people will attract negative energy. So, you'll have to look really more for like-minded souls or people that you have connection to. And people are gathering in numbers, and like I said, in communities. For example, while not for everyone, communities like Lily Dale, NY. Yeah. Communities of Cassadaga, FL, are communities that choose to, to this day, stay off the grid and really keep to themselves.
But think about this. Even in like war torn communist countries with the severest and harshest government, people still find a way to organize and come together to beat oppression. So, it's not so much about the area, it's about finding that group, and you will. And again, you have to be some place you resonate with. Some people like the ocean. Some have to have the mountains. We are all different. There is no one size fits all answer.
Once you’ve picked a state that is economically viable and not totalitarian or nanny/big brother-like in nature, then you can start to look for a place NOT below a DAM, but with good fresh water source(s) nearby. You do not want to be in the desert where there is no water or you are dependent on a reservoir which is endanger of over use (think Las Vegas). Pick a place that historically does not have repeated damage (hurricane, fire, typhoon, Tornado, earthquake, flooding, DAM or infrastructure risk, volcanoes). Be inland if possible or at least elevated, it doesn’t have to be 100 feet above sea level or anything like that, just 15 to 20 feet, you know. Not at sea level, be smart. Be at least 15 miles outside of major cities. Think as if there is no insurance. Where would you build a home or buy a home if you couldn’t get insurance? A flood zone? No. Where there are frequent wild fires or tornadoes or mudslides or volcanic eruptions or major fault line activity or frequent flooding or the strongest hurricanes year after year or etc.? No. In a major city? No. Cities are really not where I would want to be.
But you must come to terms with there is no perfect place and life carries risk. Just start where you are, do what you can and then sleep at night. I choose, for the next several years at least, to live in southern FL. There is risk of flooding, hurricanes and it is too densely populated. I have a bug out plan and alternative property out of state and in the mountains as a backup. Bottom line, use common sense. You want a house with construction that has stood the test of time for the area you are in. You do not need a nuclear bunker, use common sense and be ready to pick up and move if need be. For me, 15 to 30 miles outside of major cities is a good start, but you have to balance living too. Do you like amenities? Life goes on. Live your life, just be smart.
When deciding where to live, wherever that may be in the world, you must keep hope alive. I want people have hope. There’s always hope. And I really want to tell everybody, especially now, to lay low and just make sure you have everything you need, wherever you decide to call home. Really have everything you need and then some, because again, they're going to do the whole thing where, "Okay, we might lockdown again, and you can't come out of your houses." Listen, things are really never going to be the same way they used to be. And there will be food shortages.
And remember Spirit said “it's already happened, the virus has mutated.” Remember when I predicted way back in early 2020 that the virus will mutate. Remember way back when spirit had me share, “now it's a different virus, and people don’t know how it will be even worse than the original. And it's airborne. And they did this as a test using us as lab rats to see how the people would react, and see would they listen?” And, “THEY” are going to do this again. Spirit said Something worse is coming. In my Patreon Report Nov 9, 2020 Spirit gave me this information and we published:
“Spirit has shown me, we are in biblical times. Remember in Jan 2020 on a live show, I said to you that Spirit said, "Listen, this is a plague." The next one's worse, and the next one has a higher mortality rate. Oh, it's coming. It's already here. And so, that's why the numbers- Yeah. Yeah. They're going to lock us down again; it's going to be at least three months, if not six months. The symptoms are more severe, and a higher mortality. The other day Spirit showed me the symptoms, it’s going to feel like burning on the inside, internal organs affected, reddening of the skin rashes and even boils. There is no cure. The first ones to get it are the weakest people, ones that already layers of health issues, underlying conditions, mostly, and sadly the weak and elderly. Those that have a weak immune system; it’s awful, believe me, people will want to be prepped and stay inside for this one! Build your immune system now.”
A friend asks, Michelle you said Covid is a test run for something much worse – you saw bleeding from the EYES and other body parts. Could it be the Marburg virus? Thankfully, Spirit said No, it’s not the Marburg Virus as reported now. But that too is a Biological Weapon the same as when I wrote years ago that Ebola, AIDS, COVID19 and this new coming Deadly disease are. They are all BioWeapons - Lab engineered [Gain of Function] and unleashed on the world population! If there is a Patent on a Virus then its been engineered: the list is long!
So, people really need to have whatever their needs are, especially people that have health issues, be ready to stay at home and work from home for periods of time FOR DIFFERENT REASONS. BE IT Weather or Virus or whatever. Many of us are staying home more now. Even with working on TV, we're doing it from an office at home. I would tell people to just have everything that you need to survive, and don't become numb. You will hear some who are not dialed into things saying “oh, that wasn’t too bad.” They do not understand how it was for many others, they lack empathy and are stuck in their bubble. They lack the big picture and then, they start defining big events on a downward scale. How do I say this; It’s like it takes bigger and bigger things to shock people. Meaning what used to shock people is not enough to shock them now. People are NOW used to it and so it takes something even bigger to shock them. Think about that. We have experienced so much over the past couple of years that we are no longer shocked when Australia is in total police state lockdown and then Canada and then the next place and the next place - its communism. That is horrible. Take a step back and look at the big picture. Otherwise you will be like the proverbial frog that gets boiled. You know that famous example. Where there is a frog in a pot of water and if the temperature is very slowly turned up over time, the frog will just stay in the pot until the water is boiling because they don’t notice the little tiny increases in the temperature. DON’T BE THE FROG.
Stay Prepped: Many places are already seeing shortages. It’s causing the people go, "Oh no, I can't go get my regular, whatever, this or that.” So yeah, they go automatically into panic mode instead of being prepped. And then they theorizing and worrying about everything, which is not stupid. Because look, if the Government will do these things, why wouldn't they go to the next step? Well the Government is not our friend. As our Patreon family may know, more than anybody, but this story has never changed. It's always been the same. It’s just been getting worse, unfortunately. Until we wake up enough, to stand up and say Enough is Enough! We the people of the world have had enough! But Fear is a Powerful Drug itself – and they keep pumping the FEAR Messages on the nightly news!
In addition to the Metatron Prayer of Abundance and Protection, do you have any other suggestions for daily practice to keep our vibrations high? Good Question because daily spiritual practices are so very important.
Daily Practices to Improve your Life:
Prayer which is talking to Spirit
Meditation which is listening to Spirit
Being in the moment, in the present, and being the best that you can be. Meaning, give it your all, give it even more than what you think you’ve got to give. Because whatever we put out there, it comes back to us more than tenfold.
Clean Eating will help to keep your vibration high. Your body is your temple. Whatever you put into your body: you are helping it or hurting it. Try to eat clean, organic, not processed food, take your vitamins, your minerals; it’s so important because we need those extra nutrients.
Feed Your Mind with Positivity. Read uplifting material, Listen to positive enlightened information, think positive thoughts. [Negativity and fear calls those things to you and can become a self-fulfilling prophecy]
Listen to your Intuition and it will even make you want to go higher and keep that connection with Spirit. Because you're going to find that every time you listen to Spirit, it's accurate. When you go with your ego, the information can be inaccurate.
So work on building a personal relationship with Spirit. And what I'm really upset about right now, and I'm going to say it, and I want this posted and I want it out there. That people have forgotten the importance of faith, many have lost their faith. They have lost their conviction. They have lost their way. It's not money that we need. We need God, we need Spirit. We need light workers up and going. Shield up daily with the Spiritual Armor of the Metatron Prayer – it’s a prayer of protection and abundance. We need people that are going to make the world better. Not worse. That is my message. And I can't do that alone. We have to do it together. United, we stand. Divided, we fall. It's that simple.
We are the masters of our journey. So everybody needs to take personal responsibility and accountability and work towards creating good for the future generations. And do their part of the work. God helps those that help themselves.
Past Lives / Future Lives: Can a legitimate psychic, like yourself, see your next future life after this one? Yes, very few spiritual mediums have the ability to access the Akashic Records also called The Book of Life. So yes, I can see Past Lives and Future lives – with the permission of Great Spirit: Regression to see into the past and Progression to see into the future. But here's what's more important. It’s more important to focus on this life, this journey, because when you focus on the present and your soul lessons that often come in the guise of hardships, once you learn these lessons, react in a positive spiritual manner, you achieve soul growth. You can surpass your spiritual goals that you planned in your pre-mortal life. Why are you looking at the next life? Just work on getting this one right. Don't worry about the next one.
Jesus: a Patreon member asks “Did Jesus lie to us when he said he is the only way to Father God?” Well we are all children of God and Jesus was the only son of God. In the Heavens Jesus saw the great need and God, Great Spirit, sent him down here to lessen the sins of men so that the world wasn't wiped out, as it has been in the past. Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, I could go on and on. On Earth there's civilizations built on top of civilizations, blood on blood, on blood, on land. I mean, it goes on and on. When will we learn? War and division is not the answer. Love and Peace is the real answer.
Based upon scripture, it has been written that Jesus said, You can only know God and get to Heaven through me. What about the Jews, Muslims, Buddhist, that don't know Jesus? So I don’t fully agree with the dogmatic religions and their centuries of editing the sacred texts. See, from my personal relationship with Spirit I believe that this statement was taken out of context. That you can only find God, if Jesus saves you. Well, God loves us all, more than anything or anyone, even when we're so awful.
Men wrote it, prophets wrote the Bible. They added to it. They took away from it. They lost much in the interpretation and their weak perception of the writings and testimonies. SO the bible texts are not written in stone. But is there great truths? Absolutely.
"You can only know God through Jesus." That's not true. But if you know the son then you better believe in Jesus and his great works. Because he is real and he is the true son of God. Call on him in your prayers because Jesus loves you. Maybe you don't love him, but he loves you unconditionally.
Division of the People: Someone asks: I've noticed it seems like there are two groups of people, those that buy into the global agenda without question that they feed us through the mainstream media and everything. And those that seem to see right through it. It's like we're in two separate realities at the same time, like you said. Two separate groups of people. So here's the question. Spiritually, will there be a difference? Yes, Spiritually there is a difference in one’s soul's growth, whether you are willing to look at all things and open up spiritually and awaken, or if you just stay numb and follow the propaganda and just the dogma of certain institutions.
The Children: Are more children being born with psychic and medium abilities nowadays? Yes, they're the last batch. They're our last hope. And look at the mandates, the shadow government is trying to shut them down and some parents even sign them up for drug and vaccine trials; they are not Guinea Pigs. These children, these souls bravely volunteered to incarnate now. They need our help: shield and protect them so they will grow and blossom into the Light workers they are meant to be. Please everyone, do all that you can to help the children!
Some adults are traumatized by this new agenda and lock down, they are unawake, unaware and so they are just going along with the new rules. They're just completely numb or on automatic pilot zombies. But Spirit says Wake Up, get with the spiritual program. And then they whine and they cry and they wonder why they don't have this or that … it’s because God helps those who help themselves. Look we come down here because it’s hard; Earth is a school of hard knocks, a place to learn. You’ve got to be strong. The high-road is not always the easy path, right?
Be Positive, attractive positive. It's what you are thinking because Thoughts Are Things! If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough. And the other one is stupid is expensive. It’s true.
Move towards the New Year with optimism. Count your blessings & give thanks as you visualize 2022 - remember thoughts are things, so focus on all the positive aspects that you want to create: Love, personal fulfillment, abundance & perfect health. God loves you!
Sending you all Love and Light,
Michelle Whitedove
Spiritual Gangster
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